Joseph L. Casale schrieb:
When logging in to MS Technet, I get this:

The requested URL could not be retrieved
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http:443
Unable to determine IP address from host name The DNS server returned:
Name Error: The domain name does not exist.This means that the cache was not 
able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL. Check if the address is 
Your cache administrator is root.
Generated Tue, 06 Jan 2009 19:12:01 GMT by 

What does http:443 mean? This is only a problem when squidGuard is enabled?

The url that it tanked on is:

Why would it work without squidGuard? I am seeming to have a lot of problems 
squidGuard, anyone got a reco on a replacement?

Hello Joseph,

I'm using Squid3STABLE9 and SquidGuard 1.3 on three openSUSE10.3 boxes and tested the URL you gave us above without hanving any problems to access the TechNet site. So this must be something with your specific setup. What's the version of SG are you using ? Maybe you can post your problem to

- Philipp

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