>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: projpr...@libero.it
>Data: 27-gen-2009 9.04
>A: <squid-users@squid-cache.org>
>Ogg: Question about Squid capacity
>>Hi all,
>>I have just a couple of questions about a mix environment linux (proxy 
>>machine) in environment Windows AD.
>>After using successfully Squid as a Reverse application proxy, I start to 
>>think to replace our main proxy with squid. Having a ready machine with 
>>10, I was tihinking to use that for our test.
>>The Linux box joined successfully the domain with samba and now the 
>>requirements for my project are:
>>1)the proxy must work on a linux box, all the rest/sorrounding in our 
>>is windows (Multidomain environment)
>>2)the auth must be NTLM.
>>3)I need to match some UNIVERSAL groups for the auth in AD.
>>4)NO login box for the auth. (at least not from win ionternet explorer 
>>The question are:
>>1)Is possible, after join the windows AD with my linux box, to 
>>NTLM without login box?
>>2)Is possible to match against UNIVERSAL group (may be through 
>>3)is possible in a situation like mine to get working the SSL-Bump 
>>I´ll be thankful for all the answer.

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