On Tuesday 10 March 2009, David Rodríguez Fernández wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two squid servers in HA. Two nodes have the exact same config,
> but one node works fine but the other one don't work when I migrate
> the HA. I have copy the config files from one server to another,
> regenerated the cache, I can surf the web from the server with telnet,
> but all response that I have is long wait time without response.
> I have connectivity with Internet inside the squid server, I can
> telnet with the remote web servers to port 80 and GET an URL, so
> there's no connectivity problem.

What does the "bad" servers squid logs show? Cache and access.
Try telneting in port 3128 on and getting a page. Well that is 
assuming you allow localhost!

A bit more info would be helpful!


Angela Williams                         Enterprise Outsourcing
Unix/Linux & Cisco spoken here!         Bedfordview
an...@eoh.co.za                         Gauteng South Africa
+27116078155                            Blog: angierfw.wordpress.com

Smile!! Jesus Loves You!!

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