squid doesn't support http 1.1 from cache to client. squid 2.7 supports 1.1 from cache to origin servers, but cannot pass through chunked transfer-encodings. (It's the lack of support for this that prevents it from advertising 1.0 to clients). However, just about every other 1.1 function is supported via extension headers; do you see this breaking anything in particular?


On Mar 17, 2009, at 2:59 PM, Nick Duda wrote:

Hopefully a simple question that others have seen before. We are running 2.6 STABLE22 (can't more to 3.0 yet due to smartfilter support). Clients are browsing to sites requesting http 1.1 and squid is returning to them http 1.0. Does anyone have any starting grounds (I'm already banging through google results, with no luck just yet) on what is going on here and how I can fix this.

Nick Duda
Manager, Information Security

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