Hi Amos,

Thanks very very much for your help. I'm not really trying to authenticate
to an external web site, only Squid is involved.

What I'm trying to do is:

1 http_access allow all
# redirector program
2 http_access2 allow freesites
3 http_access2 allow AuthUsers
4 http_access2 deny all

- User opens browser. (no auth yet)
- Homepage tries to load, redirector sees no username => redirect to welcome
page (+ link to google), allowed by acl 2
- User clicks on the external link => not in acl 2, but allowed by acl 3 =>
Squid asks for auth
- User enters user+pass in browser (proxy-auth), validated by Squid. Squid
has now a valid username and password. 

So far, so good. This all works fine.
- now every next page should pass the redirector as this 

Due to acl 1, Squid doesn't pass a username to the rewriter program and even
after a succesfull auth, the redirector keeps redirecting to the welcome
page due to the missing username.
If I put acl 3 before the redirector, Squid nicely sends the username with
the requested url.

Can this be resolved?

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Amos Jeffries [mailto:squ...@treenet.co.nz] 
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 02:58
To: Philippe Boeij
Cc: squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re: [squid-users] redirecting unauthenticated users

> Hi,
> I have a question. I'd like to have squid configured for the following:
> - User opens browser (with squid proxy configured) and gets redirected 
> to a login page
> - The browser prompts asks for a proxy username/ password.
> - if the user provided a good username/password, he/she can click on 
> an icon to get redirected to the original requested page.
> squid.conf (using version 2.7stable5) part:
>       acl all src all
>       acl freesites dstdomain login.mydomain.local
>       acl AuthUsers proxy_auth REQUIRED
>       http_access allow all
>       #     process redirector program between http_access and
> http_access2,
>       #     result depends on the fact if a username exists.
>       http_access2 allow freesites
>       http_access2 allow AuthUsers
>       http_access2 deny all
> Problem is that this way the redirector program never gets any 
> username passed although the user is asked for a user/pass.
> This works partially (username gets passed):
>       http_access allow AuthUsers
>       # -> process redirector program between http_access and http_access2
>       http_access2 allow all
> But now I can't redirect to a nice welcome page before the 
> username/password prompt...
> Please someone help.
> Many thanks.
> Philippe

You have a conceptual problem here.

What you are attempting to do is get the browser to authenticate against the
proxy by sending authentication details to a web server somewhere else.

What you need instead is one of two captive portal solutions:

 1) authenticate against the proxy directly, no fuss.

  http_access allow freesites
  http_access deny !AuthUsers
  http_access deny all

 2) use an external_acl_type helper to perform side-band authentication
based on IP using details gathered from the website login.

  external_acl_type foo ...
  acl AuthsUsers external foo

  http_access allow freesites
  http_access allow AuthUsers
  deny_info http://login.mydomain.local all
  http_access deny all

(2) has cons in that it assumes you are able to create a working auth scheme
where experts often fail. Also that every visitor has a unique IP/headers
(no sharing, no NAT) and forgery is ignored.


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