Helo ...

I have a problem with migration from squid 2.6 and 2.7 ...

I have one PHP application than make reports in PDF from php script .... using fpdf lib ...

when access ... script.php, this return one download of pdf file ... ( This is always the same file name doc.pdf )

The behavior is strange .... some times the download file is corrupt .. and some times that is OK ....

Always display this when my try is OK or no ...

httpReadReply: Excess data from "GET   http://XXX.XXXX.COM/anex3.php

I know than ... this message is because the data is more than header lenght information ... ok ? more sites do this ...

I use debian 5.0 squid2.7 and in Debian 4 using squid2.6 works without problems ...



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