On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:06 AM, Chris Robertson <crobert...@gci.net> wrote:
> RSCL Mumbai wrote:
>> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz>
>> wrote:
>>> RSCL Mumbai wrote:
>>>> I tried " tcp_outgoing_address " by adding the following to squid.conf
>>>> acl ip1 myip
>>>> acl ip2 myip
>>>> acl ip3 myip
>>>> tcp_outgoing_address ip1
>>>> tcp_outgoing_address ip2
>>>> tcp_outgoing_address ip3
>>>> Restarted squid, but no help.
>>>> Pls help how I can get the route rules to work.
>>>> Simple requirement:
>>>> If packets comes from src=, forward it via ISP-1
>>>> If packets comes from src=, forward it via ISP-2
>>>> If packets comes from src=, forward it via ISP-3
>>>> And so forth.
>>>> Thx in advance.
>>>> Vai
>>> To prevent the first (default) one being used  you may need to do:
>>>  tcp_outgoing_address ip1 !ip2 !ip3
>>>  tcp_outgoing_address ip2 !ip1 !ip3
>>>  tcp_outgoing_address ip3 !ip1 !ip2
>> I do not have 5 real interfaces for 5 ISPs.
>> And I believe virtual interfaces will not work in this scenario.
> Works for me (Squid 2.7, Linux kernel 2.6.9+, one physical interface, two
> IPs)  Be sure to set "server_persistent_connections off" in your squid.conf.

I have them off. My squid.conf as below....
client_persistent_connections off
server_persistent_connections off

Chris, if possible, can you pls share your acl rules for "tcp_outgoing_address".
Just want to make sure my rules are correct.
I tried with 2 nics and it did not work.

Also, I have to manage 5 ISPs.
I do not have the possibility of adding 5 lan cards in my server.

I read on the net that IPTables and route2 do not support virtual interfaces.

Looks like I have limited / no options here.



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