Mario Remy Almeida wrote:
Hi All,

Want to know if load balancing is possible with squid by maintaining
Health check should be TCP Ports

Server A -> Active port 8080
Server B -> Active port 8080

Client -> Squid -> Server A and/or B

Request 1 comes from 'Client A' Squid forwards the request to 'Server A'
Request 2 comes from 'Client A' Squid forwards the request to 'Server A'
and so on
any further request from 'Client A' squid should only forward to 'Server
A' until the session is same


Request 1 comes from 'Client B' Squid forwards the request to 'Server B'
Request 2 comes from 'Client B' Squid forwards the request to 'Server B'

if 'Server A' fails Squid should forward all the request to 'Server B'


HTTP is stateless. It contains no such thing as sessions. That is a browser feature.

What you are looking for is something like CARP or sourcehash peering algorithms. They keep all requests for certain URLs sent to the same place (CARP) or all requests for the same IP to the same place (sourcehash).


Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE15
  Current Beta Squid or 3.0.STABLE16-RC1

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