tor 2009-06-25 klockan 10:32 -0700 skrev Balaji Ganesan:

>    797:
>    798: cleanup:
>    799: if (c2p[1] != -1)
>    800: close(c2p[1]);
> > 801: if (fd_table[crfd]
>    802: ipcCloseAllFD(-1, -1, crfd, cwfd);
>    803: if (prfd_ipc != -1) {
>    804: send(crfd_ipc, shutdown_string, strlen(shutdown_string), 0);
>    805: shutdown(crfd_ipc, SD_BOTH);
>    806: shutdown(prfd_ipc, SD_BOTH);

I would suggest upgrading. 2.7.STABLE9 is pretty old and current
Squid-2.7 sources seem to be a bit different in the win32 IPC code even
if this fragment seems to be the same (but on very different line

Was there anything said in cache.log? Most conditions ending up here
shouts quite loudly in cache.log as well....


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