Mario Remy Almeida wrote:
Hi Amos,

Tired with the changed worked very well no issues

One small change in the wiki

in openssl.cnf
it is mentioned as

dir             = /usr/newrprgate/CertAuth


mkdir newprpgate; cd newrprgate

should be mkdir newrprgate

if possible please correct in the wiki


Do you mean:

        dir = /usr/newrprgate/CertAuth
        dir = /usr/CertAuth


=== Setup a certificate Signing Authority (if needed) ===
cd /usr
mkdir newprpgate; cd newrprgate
mkdir CertAuth; cd CertAuth
mkdir certs; mkdir private
chmod 700 private
echo '01' > serial
touch index.txt


=== Setup a certificate Signing Authority (if needed) ===
cd /usr
mkdir newprpgate;
mkdir CertAuth; cd CertAuth
mkdir certs; mkdir private
chmod 700 private
echo '01' > serial
touch index.txt


IIRC the only funky thing I found when following those myself a long while ago was a missing "cd .." somewhere.

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