On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 12:08:45 +0200, Henrik Nordstrom
<hen...@henriknordstrom.net> wrote:
> tis 2009-07-21 klockan 11:30 -0700 skrev Balaji Ganesan:
>> As per below email, 2.7 STABLE 7 was supposed to support Windows 7.
>> Windows 7 is releasing on October 2009 and we would like to have our
>> product support that as well. To do that, we need Squid to support
>> Windows 7. Can you please tell me when Squid 2.7 STABLE 7 will be
>> released?
> Before the summer is over.
> Regards
> Henrik

Summer? good lord thats a long way off ;)
(looks outside at rain and chilly Antarctic breeze)


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