Kevin Kimani wrote:
am also wondering why its not resolving. Am blank with no ideas not
sure what to do next

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Henrik
Nordstrom<> wrote:
Hmm.. that does not match your access.log entry where it obviously could
find the IP..

Looks to me like your Squid resolved the domain to IP and passed the request on. But got a 503 message back from that machine.

Does the error page finish with the hostname and version of your Squid or some other?

Lesson to anyone wanting to remove the squid signature from their error pages: THIS is why it is there!!!


ons 2009-09-09 klockan 12:09 +0300 skrev Kevin Kimani:
am using ubuntu.

The browser displays "The following error was encounterd
Unable to determine IP address from hostname for
the dns"

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Henrik
Nordstrom<> wrote:
ons 2009-09-09 klockan 11:24 +0300 skrev Kevin Kimani:

This is the error message am getting from access.log.
1252483940.606      2 TCP_MISS/503 1660 GET - DIRECT/ text/html
What error do you get in the browser (disable "show friendly error
message" is using MSIE)


Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE18
  Current Beta Squid

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