Thanks, I made those changes although still no luck.  I do save the changes
and then run a ./squid -k reconfigure, not sure if I should run a different

I do have this for work days:
acl workdays time M T W H F 8:30-18:00

If I can I would like to deny those sites during "workdays" and then its
open before or after that time.


> From: Henrik Nordstrom <>
> Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2009 23:29:02 +0200
> To: Ross Kovelman <>
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] New Admin
> tis 2009-10-06 klockan 16:55 -0400 skrev Ross Kovelman:
>> This is what I have for http_access:
>> http_access deny bad_url
>> http_access deny all bad_url
>> http_access deny manager
>> http_access allow manager localhost
>> http_access allow workdays
>> http_access allow our_networks
>> I would think bad_url would do the trick since I have acl bad_url dstdomain,
>> correct?
> It should. At least assuming you have not other http_access rules above
> this.
> but the rest of those rules looks strange.
> I think you want something like:
> # Restrict cachemgr access
> http_access allow manager localhost
> http_access deny manager
> # Block access to banned URLs
> http_access deny bad_url
> # Allow users access on workdays
> http_access allow our_networks workdays
> # Deny everything else
> http_access deny all
> but have no description of what effect workdays is supposed to have...
> Regards
> Henrik

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