
I have Debian Linux and Squid Version 2.7.STABLE3. As I understand
from the documentation, there was some change in the version and I did
not find relevant information on the net.

I have the following scenario:

client - https - squid - https - server1
client - https - squid - http - server2

This is what I added to the squid.conf

http_port 80 accel defaultsite=dflt1.domain.sk vhost
https_port 443 cert=/etc/squid/ssl.crt key=/etc/squid/ssl.key 
defaultsite=dflt1.domain.sk vhost

acl webmail dstdomain webmail.domain.sk

cache_peer dflt1.domain.sk parent 80 0 no-query originserver
cache_peer dflt1.domain.sk parent 443 0 no-query ssl sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER 
cache_peer webmail.domain.sk parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=dflt2

cache_peer_access dflt2 allow webmail

According to log the redirection is either all the time http or https
(if i add protocol=http to the configuration above):

1260203474.257    116 Y.Y.Y.Y TCP_MISS/502 1439 GET https://webmail.domain.sk/ 
X.X.X.X text/html

How can I configure squid as https reverse proxy and one page redirect to
the https backend server and the second page redirect to the http
backend server?

Any hint appreciated.

Thank you very much.



<<attachment: Ludovit_Koren.vcf>>

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