> Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 12:23:11 -0900
> From: crobert...@gci.net
> To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] Apache 301 redirects working with squid
> Drew Wrobel wrote:
>> I have the redirects working with squid and apache.
>> Of course now I have a new wrinkle.
>> Here are the rules I currently have defined:
>> http_port 80 accel vport
>> cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver round-robin 
>> login=PASS
>> acl mainSite dstdomain www.company.com
>> http_access allow mainSite
>> cache_peer_access allow mainSite
>> cache_peer_access deny all
>> acl otherSites dstdomain .company.com
>> deny_info http://www.company.com/ otherSites
>> http_access deny otherSites
>> http_access deny all
>> I have about 70+ addtional domains that I need to redirect them all to the 
>> default of www.company.com
>> The domains are anything from 1800company.com, 1-800-comany.com, various 
>> .net/.biz/.org/.info and other
>> combinations.
>> It there a simple/easy acl that I can use as a catch all, if you will, for 
>> anything that isn't www.company.com to have it
>> redirected to www.company.com?
> I haven't tested this, but I think it should work...
> acl mainSite dstdomain www.company.com
> http_access allow mainSite
> http_access deny !mainSite
> deny_info http://www.company.com/ mainSite
> Chris
That seems to work.  Here is that I have defined:

acl mainSite dstdomain www.company.com

http_access allow mainSite

http_access deny !mainSite

deny_info http://www.pepboys.com/ mainSite

http_access deny all

Wasn't sure if the last deny was needed but put it in as a catch all just in 

Should the deny_info line end with mainSite or !mainSite?

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