oh dear that was it! can't believe I had a big fat type, it was
driving me crazy ;)

Thanks a lot for the help Amos!


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz> wrote:
> Daniel Iversen wrote:
>> Hi there..
>> I have a seemingly simple requirement that I can't get working in
>> Squid (2.7 on Windows), and that is to be able to use a a Squid setup
>> as a proxy server (with aggressive caching) behind another closed-off
>> corporate proxy server (not squid necessarily) for all Internet HTTP
>> access going out.
>> So basically, I have the following config in squid.conf;
>> cache_peer parent <IP or hostname of my proxy server> 8080 0 no-query
>> default
> If thats not a typo ... try:
>  cache_peer IP-address parent 8080 0 no-query default
>> acl all src
>> http_access allow all
>> never_direct allow all
>> (I used to have the recommended and more secure "http_access"
>> parameters but reverted to the above for testing but it made no
>> difference)
>> I am always getting errors like this;
>> 2010/01/13 15:20:24| Failed to select source for
>> 'http://www.google.com.au/'
>> 2010/01/13 15:20:24|   always_direct = 0
>> 2010/01/13 15:20:24|    never_direct = 1
>> 2010/01/13 15:20:24|        timedout = 0
>> Its to be noted that in my corporate environment I have to go through
>> this external proxy to get internet access and I can't even ping
>> servers from my local machine and probably have limited DNS access
>> too. So really my Squid server needs to forward all details as-is to
>> the external proxy but it does not work.
>> I have also tried experimenting with the following command line
>> arguments when starting squid " -DY -d 4 -X " but to no avail?
>> Am I crazy here? Should this not be a simple setup? Any ideas why this
>> could be? Anyone has a working Squid config for something like this
>> that they could share?
>> Thanks a lot in advance for your help..
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
> Amos
> --
> Please be using
>  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE7 or 3.0.STABLE21
>  Current Beta Squid

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