fulan Peng wrote:
Hi, gurus!

Some web sites use external to refer internal pages. For example, a
page anotherpage.html at the root directory, usually,
/anotherpage.html will be ok. But it uses
http://thiswebsite.com/anotherpage.html instead. The browser has no
problem. But Squid get lost. Squid thought http://thiswebsite.com is
an external web site and quit and disappeared.  How can we get Squid
work for these web sites?
Thanks a lot!

Fulan Peng

You must be doing something mighty strange for that to matter.

Perhapse you are using a URL-rewrite to present a completely different domain name to the public?
If so this is the price. You have two choices:
 1) Stop using the re-writer and present the same domain(s) to the public.
2) put up with it and try to remove the absolute links from all web content at the point they are generated.

Or did you mean squid crashes and stops responding to anything for a while by "quit and disappeared"?

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE7 or 3.0.STABLE21
  Current Beta Squid

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