
I'm running with 2 patches applied 

- http://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2731
- http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.1/changesets/squid-3.1-9827.patch

Since firing up the patched version the squids in question keep restarting 
every once in a while. The restarts happen without any ERROR messages, and only 
with debug_level ALL/3 I discovered the following in cache.log (these are 
collected from multiple instances of squid, so allow for overlapping time 
intervals/the "enter_suid" line marks the restart):


2010/01/28 11:29:08.787| StoreEntry::unlock: key 
'43147CDD44B214A70B78C659B4F7D42C' count=2
2010/01/28 11:29:08.787| forward.cc(186) ~FwdState: FwdState destructor done
2010/01/28 11:29:08.787| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x86660d0 [async7863]
2010/01/28 11:29:08.787| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x86664ac [async7864]
2010/01/28 11:29:08.787| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x8666758 [async7865]
2010/01/28 11:29:08.787| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x8666b34 [async7866]
2010/01/28 11:29:11.922| enter_suid: PID 14248 taking root priveleges


2010/01/28 11:29:33.125| persistentConnStatus: FD 279 eof=0
2010/01/28 11:29:33.125| comm.cc(1193) commSetTimeout: FD 279 timeout 900
2010/01/28 11:29:33.125| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866b5c8 [async7196]
2010/01/28 11:29:43.236| enter_suid: PID 14262 taking root priveleges


2010/01/28 11:29:17.583| ACLChecklist::markFinished: 0xbfa6ccd0 checklist 
processing finished
2010/01/28 11:29:17.583| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x8667090 [async14522]
2010/01/28 11:29:17.583| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x86680e4 [async14523]
2010/01/28 11:29:17.583| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x8667d08 [async14524]
2010/01/28 11:29:17.583| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x8666334 [async14525]
2010/01/28 11:29:24.587| enter_suid: PID 14257 taking root priveleges


2010/01/28 11:29:51.004| Launcher.cc(58) noteAdaptationAnswer: 
Adaptation::Icap::Launcher::noteAdaptationAnswer exiting 
2010/01/28 11:29:51.004| fd_close FD 167 icap://
2010/01/28 11:29:51.004| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866a5ec [async1678]
2010/01/28 11:29:51.004| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866a424 [async1679]
2010/01/28 11:29:54.034| enter_suid: PID 14271 taking root priveleges


2010/01/28 11:30:03.372| fd_close FD 210 icap://
2010/01/28 11:30:03.372| Launcher.cc(58) noteAdaptationAnswer: 
Adaptation::Icap::Launcher::noteAdaptationAnswer exiting 
2010/01/28 11:30:03.372| fd_close FD 206 icap://
2010/01/28 11:30:03.372| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866a4d4 [async2711]
2010/01/28 11:30:06.588| enter_suid: PID 14295 taking root priveleges


2010/01/28 11:29:39.855| Launcher.cc(58) noteAdaptationAnswer: 
Adaptation::Icap::Launcher::noteAdaptationAnswer exiting 
2010/01/28 11:29:39.855| fd_close FD 288 icap://
2010/01/28 11:29:39.855| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866acbc [async9577]
2010/01/28 11:29:39.856| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866a8e0 [async9578]
2010/01/28 11:29:39.856| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866a128 [async9579]
2010/01/28 11:29:39.856| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866a6cc [async9580]
2010/01/28 11:29:39.856| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866a634 [async9581]
2010/01/28 11:29:39.856| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866ad08 [async9582]
2010/01/28 11:29:39.856| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866a764 [async9583]
2010/01/28 11:29:39.856| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866abd8 [async9584]
2010/01/28 11:29:39.856| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866a848 [async9585]
2010/01/28 11:29:43.256| enter_suid: PID 14265 taking root priveleges


2010/01/28 11:29:58.272| ACLChecklist::checkCallback: 0x865dc70 answer=1
2010/01/28 11:29:58.272| AccessCheck.cc(155) callBack: 0x86401d8*23
2010/01/28 11:29:58.272| client_side_request.cc(636) adaptationAclCheckDone: 
0x8659cd8 adaptationAclCheckDone called
2010/01/28 11:29:58.272| client_side_request.cc(1328) startAdaptation: 
adaptation needed for 0x87ae7f8
2010/01/28 11:29:58.272| AsyncJob of type Iterator constructed, this=0x8666114 
2010/01/28 11:29:58.272| AsyncJob of type Adaptation::Icap::ModXactLauncher 
constructed, this=0x866aadc [async4297]
2010/01/28 11:30:01.345| enter_suid: PID 14287 taking root priveleges


Anybody spots something suspicious?

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