Joe P.H. Chiang wrote:
Hi All Im New to squid..
I've scanned through squid 2.6 & 3.0 Manual and Definitive guide, but
i still can't find information about this question..
Is it possible to have a request_timeout when the request file doesn't
exist on the squid cache and peer server?
e.g if client and then
receives 404 http
then the client will have to wait until request_timeout 30 seconds to
able to request again
could this be done? is there such setting/configuration?
This is a "wetware" problem. You need to teach all your users to press
the refresh button at exactly 30 seconds after any failure.
Seriously though, not the way you describe. You can't prevent people
being "able" to make requests. You can only change the result if they do
one you don't like.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE7 or 3.0.STABLE23
Current Beta Squid