I have changed the config and can now login to the cache manager.
This was in the conf already:
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports

So, the issue remains whether allowing password access to the cache manager is 
How else can this be made more secure? I guess not if the only way for me to 
access it is through a public IP address.

> Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 12:49:36 -0900
> From: crobert...@gci.net
> To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] cache manager access from web
> J. Webster wrote:
>> Doesn't the fact that the manager needs a password in previous config lines 
>> mean that they can't access it?
> Fair enough, if you are content with that.
>> the ncsa_users is only for http access?
> The cachemgr interface is accessed via HTTP. It uses a specific request
> method (identified by the ACLs as manager), but it is a subset of HTTP.
> Changing the access rules like...
> http_access allow manager localhost
> http_access allow manager cacheadmin
> http_access deny manager
> http_access allow ncsa_users
> ...prevents those who are allowed to utilize your cache from even
> attempting access to your cachemgr interface (unless they are surfing
> from localhost, or the IP identified by the cacheadmin ACL). The
> default squid.conf has some further denies (such as preventing CONNECT
> requests to non-SSL ports) that are also missing from this configuration
> snippet, so this is not the only avenue for abuse.
> Chris
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