Does the HTCP port have to be open towards the attacker or can the attacker 
exploit the bug through a squid listening port?  i.e. If I have a firewall in 
front of squid (reverse proxy) that only allows port 80/443 in from the web and 
HTCP is bound to some other port am I at risk from attackers outside my 

-----Original Message-----
From: Amos Jeffries [] 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 6:30 AM
To:; Squid
Subject: Advisory SQUID-2010:2 - Remote Denial of Service issue in HCTP


     Squid Proxy Cache Security Update Advisory SQUID-2010:2

Advisory ID:            SQUID-2010:2
Date:                   February 12, 2010
Summary:                Remote Denial of Service issue in HCTP
Affected versions:      Squid 2.x,
                         Squid 3.0 -> 3.0.STABLE23
Fixed in version:       Squid 3.0.STABLE24

Problem Description:

  Due to incorrect processing Squid is vulnerable to a denial of
  service attack when receiving specially crafted HTCP packets.



  This problem allows any machine to perform a denial of service
  attack on the Squid service when its HTCP port is open.


Updated Packages:

  This bug is fixed by Squid versions 3.0.STABLE24

  In addition, patches addressing these problems can be found In
  our patch archives.

Squid 2.7:

Squid 3.0:

  If you are using a prepackaged version of Squid then please refer
  to the package vendor for availability information on updated


Determining if your version is vulnerable:

  All Squid-3.0 releases without htcp_port in their configuration
  file (the default) are not vulnerable.

  Squid-3.1 releases are not vulnerable.

  For unpatched Squid-2.x and Squid-3.0 releases; if your cache.log
  contains a line with "Accepting HTCP messages on port" when run
  with debug level 1 ("debug_options ALL,1"). Your Squid is

  Alternatively; for unpatched Squid-2.x and Squid-3.0 releases.
  If the command
    squidclient mgr:config | grep "htcp_port"
  displays a non-zero HTCP port your Squid is vulnerable.



  For Squid-2.x:
   * Configuring "htcp_port 0" explicitly

  For Squid-3.0:
   * Ensuring that any unnecessary htcp_port setting left in
     squid.conf after upgrading to 3.0 are removed.


Contact details for the Squid project:

  For installation / upgrade support on binary packaged versions
  of Squid: Your first point of contact should be your binary
  package vendor.

  If your install and build Squid from the original Squid sources
  then the mailing list is your primary
  support point. For subscription details see

  For reporting of non-security bugs in the latest STABLE release
  the squid bugzilla database should be used

  For reporting of security sensitive bugs send an email to the mailing list. It's a closed list
  (though anyone can post) and security related bug reports are
  treated in confidence until the impact has been established.



  The vulnerability was discovered by Kieran Whitbread.


Revision history:

  2010-02-12 14:11 GMT Initial Release

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