Alex Marsal wrote:
Oh, I see. And there's no way to make squid display it correctly without contacting the website admin? I mean, why without squid it is displayed correctly?

Because Squid is storing it in transit. You can acces sit through squid fine, but without working Vary: any stored copy may be presented wrongly. For example I believe your blank page occured because Squid sent out its non-compressed copy when the browser expected a compressed version. The browser barfs quietly trying to decompress a plain text object and presents you with an empty page.

I have issues with other website, for example trying to make a flight booking from:

And I'm also getting a 404 error after trying to log in to a online banking:

I also have problem with a website that uses Java Oracle Initiator. it's just that our users are complaining and thinking that our proxy isn't working properly and would like to find a fix for those issues.

Thanks for your help, I really apreciate.

Take the tool I used to test the first website. Try it on the URLs giving you trouble. See what you can find out.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE8 or 3.0.STABLE24
  Current Beta Squid

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