Le Mardi 2 Mars 2010 13:42:31, Henrik Nordstrom a écrit :
> mån 2010-03-01 klockan 19:03 -0600 skrev Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz:
> > as we have a squid with ICAP we have a requirement to save all data sent.
> > We have a ICAP that does that, how ever when  logging we can see
> > 
> > POST url
> > headers
> > 
> > but we dont see data that is sent by post, are we missing something?
> Should be there... and I think it is..
> Have you tried inspecting the traffic with wireshark?
> Regards
> Henrik
Yes I did
that's why i realize of that, i did  tcpdump -s0 -X so I'm pretty sure I got 
whole packet.


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