
In older versions of squid, I was able to block or allow specific arbitrary
request headers. For example:

header_access X-SomeRandomHeaderA allow all
header_access X-SomeRandomHeaderB deny all

In squid-3.1 (and 3.0, I think), the equivalent of header_access for request
headers is now request_header_access.

But if I try this, squid gets upset and doesn't start:
request_header_access X-SomeRandomHeaderA allow all
request_header_access X-SomeRandomHeaderB deny all

It says:
2010/03/16 13:55:19| parse_http_header_access: unknown header name 

So, it seems that you can only add headers that squid knows about internally.
Which is what this page says:

        You can only specify known headers for the header name.
        Other headers are reclassified as 'Other'. You can also
        refer to all the headers with 'All'.

I could use 'Other', but it means that I have to treat all unknown headers
in the same way. Unless I'm missing something.

So, can anybody tell me how to block or allow specific arbitrary request
headers in squid-3.1?

Thank you.

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