Hi all,

I've got a reverse proxy setup but something is wrong with my config. I want a 
request for a certain HTTP request to go to one cache_peer and the exactly same 
request but for HTTPS to go to another cache_peer. Right now its always hitting 
the same cache_peer.

Squid Cache: Version 2.6.STABLE18
configure options:  '--enable-snmp' '--enable-storeio=aufs' '--enable-ssl'

http_port 80 accel vhost
https_port 443 accel vhost cert=/path/to/cert.pem key=/path/to/server.key

cache_peer secure.someurl.com parent 443 0 no-query originserver ssl name=ssl 
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=http

acl acl_http dstdomain some.url.com
acl acl_ssl dstdomain some.url.com

cache_peer_access http allow acl_http
cache_peer_access ssl allow acl_ssl

http_access allow acl_http
http_access allow acl_ssl

Wouldn't that config send the request to the correcet cache_peer depending on 
if it came in SSL or HTTP? It's the same URL, but either HTTP or HTTPS always 
sends it to the cache_peer with the "name=http"



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