HC Barfield wrote:
since there is demand for an offline squid server, when will the current release include 
the "Intermittent connections patch" with the tristate offline mode?

Thanks for pointing the patch out again. I was not aware of that one. Its got some interesting ideas to work with.

The cleanup of offline mode is still an open bug on Squid. We have not yet gotten around to any real design of how the updated feature should work and look. Are you interested in working with the developers in spec'ing out the feature? any design ideas or requirements would be very welcome should go to squid-dev mailing list please.

In slightly related areas. Squid-2.7 and 2.HEAD have had a fair bit more work by Mark Nottingham on aggressive caching within the limits of HTTP standards. Mostly in the reverse-proxy area, but equally applicable to other modes. Some of that is present in Squid-3.1 already some still waiting portage.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE8 or 3.0.STABLE25
  Current Beta Squid

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