ons 2010-03-31 klockan 07:56 +0200 skrev Henrik Nordström: 
> Squid-3.1.1 has been packaged for Fedora 12. Those of you who use Fedora
> please help testing the update and give feedback. Testing of updates is
> an important aspect of Fedora updates and also Squid development. Fedora
> uses a community review model where you users are an intimate part of
> the loop.
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/squid-3.1.1-1.fc12
> and also the upcoming Fedora 13 release:

Correction for Fedora 13:

> Squid-3.1 is NOT being packaged as an update for Fedora 11, where the
> Fedora supported release is Squid-3.0.
> Regards
> Henrik Nordström
> Squid Developer & Fedora package maintainer

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