jyothi wrote:
Thanks for the quick reply. I am using firefox, there I can only specify one 
proxy (that
is presently institution proxy), may be I don't know, could you please 

Perhapse I misunderstood you.
You said you already read the FAQ titled "How do I configure Squid forward all requests to another proxy?"

 That FAQ explains how to configure Squid to use the institution proxy.

Your browser only needs to be configured for the one single proxy it is talking to. Squid.

On Fri, 14 May 2010 23:26:25 +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote
jyothi wrote:

I have a doubt, I am using a proxy enabled network (which is provided by my
My browser is configured with the corresponding proxy in order to access the 
web pages.
I want to use squid proxy in order to serve some of my needs. I can't configure 
with the squid as I need to my institution proxy to access the web. So all my 
first should go to squid proxy then to the institution proxy. I did this by 
reading the
faq (How do I configure Squid forward all requests to another proxy?). But now 
my doubt
is how would I ensure that first my request is going to squid and then to my 
insti proxy
(as my browser is not configured with the squid)?

Since that Squid is using the Institution proxy you should configure your browser to use the Squid.

So you end up with this:
   Browser -> Squid -> Institution Proxy -> Internet

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.3

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