tor 2010-05-20 klockan 17:03 +0100 skrev FRLinux:

> We have installed Squid 3.1.3 (compiled from sources using a spec file
> I found for version 3.0.3 at the time) on a CentOS 5.5 server (i386).
> We are seeing slow loading of images on all IPv6 internal sites (but
> not to external IPv6 sites). Loading test is instant, just images is
> causing problems.


does it work well to browse the internal sites from the proxy server
itself but without usign Squid?

> I have also tried to specify direct access for the sites, but that
> didn't fix it:
> acl INSIDE dst 2001:xxxx:xx::/48
> always_direct allow INSIDE

Do you have any cache peers traffic is normally forwarded to?

If not then always_direct have no effect.

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