>2010-05-31 16:17:31 [2785] squidGuard 1.3 started (1275319051.335)
>2010-05-31 16:17:31 [2785] squidGuard ready for requests (1275319051.340)
>2010-05-31 16:17:31 [2785] source not found
>2010-05-31 16:17:31 [2785] no ACL matching source, using default
>http://proxy.cp.mydomain.com/block.html - -
>2010-05-31 16:17:31 [2785] squidGuard stopped (1275319051.341)
>But when running within Squid, it does not seem to be taking it? Did I
>miss anything in the squid.conf file ? I looked online and couldn't
>spot any error.

FWIW, there is a squidguard mailing list that is pretty helpful.

Your problem is permissions almost certainly, you ran this and the
db creation as root (or someone), so now the user that squid runs
the rewriter as does not have any access privs to the log files
and/or bl/db's...

Check the first two directives in your conf, see who can write


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