Hi Emmanuel,

You did not use -s GSS_C_NO_NAME as I mentioned in my first mail did you ?


"Emmanuel Lesouef" <e.leso...@crbn.fr> wrote in message news:20100608100923.7ee7e...@nienor.local...
Le Tue, 8 Jun 2010 00:21:11 +0100,
"Markus Moeller" <hua...@moeller.plus.com> a écrit :

Hi Emmanuel,

   Can you resolve proxy.xx.yy and then resolve the ip-address you
get to a name ?


I couldn't, so I made some PTR records and now I have a working keytab
with the following msktuil command line :

msktutil -c -b "CN=COMPUTERS" -s HTTP/proxy.xx.yy -h
proxy.xx.yy -k /etc/squid/SQUID.keytab --computer-name proxy --upn
HTTP/proxy.xx.yy --server dc1.xx.yy --verbose

NTLM auth works great, but not the Kerberos one, with the following
lines in squid.conf :

auth_param negotiate program /usr/lib/squid/squid_kerb_auth -d
auth_param negotiate children 10
auth_param negotiate keep_alive on

Here is what I got in cache.log :

2010/06/08 10:02:20| squid_kerb_auth: parseNegTokenInit failed with
2010/06/08 10:02:20| squid_kerb_auth: gss_acquire_cred() failed:
Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information. No
principal in keytab matches desired name

I suppose there is something missing. But what ?

Thanks for your help.

Emmanuel Lesouef

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