GIGO . wrote:
Dear all,
I am using squid 2.7 stable 9. I want to restrict downloads for every one both authenticated and IP based clients to 128KB at the day time and with full capacity at night. I have done the following configurations however they dont seem to work for me. Can you confirm that if they are correct.

i am using squid_kerb_ldap & squid_kerb_auth and 50% users are based on this. 50% users are IP based 10.x.x.x (/24). #--------Definition of working hours---------------
acl wh time MTWHF 09:00-21:00
#------------------Delay Pools Settings-----------------------------------
delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 1
delay_parameters 1 128000/128000
delay_access 1 allow downloads wh

class 1 is a aggregate limit. Meaning that config caps the whole network at 125KB combined. Divide that by the number of users on the network using the proxy at any time.

If you want each user to have 128KB but no more, use a class 2 pool. With parameters of -1/-1 131072/131072 (no aggregate limit, 128KB individual caps).

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.5

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