On 27/11/10 02:35, Landy Landy wrote:
Sorry if you receive this message twice but, my yahoo is acting up again.

After a while looking for solutions on this problem still havent resolve this 
issue. I added an extra dsl line to our network and things are going the same 
way. Also, tried other mailing list and posted on WISPA and got this response:

"Could be your squid cache."

Someone replied to that with:

"Agreed, everyone gets different photo and messages depending who their
associated to. it would probably drive the squid nuts, especially when FB is
busy and slow and squid is trying to compare.  "

I don't know if that is true but, would like to confirm with this list before 
acknowledging it.

That second reply appears to contain no information relevant to the problem. Content requests are only related after a successful login.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.9
  Beta testers wanted for

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