On 23/12/10 04:36, benjamin fernandis wrote:
Dear Friends,

I m new to squid.Please guide me about tproxy and transparent proxy.I
see intercept and tproxy option in squd 3.1.9 version with http_port
option in configuration file.Please guide me for the same and what r
the difference between them.

"transparent proxy" is a confusing term which actually means any one of five different operating scenarios. I'm trying to get people to stop using it.

Intercept (aka "NAT interception") and TPROXY are two of these "modes" or types of traffic interception which Squid can do.

They differ in how the underlying system is configured and operates to pass packets to Squid. They both perform the duty of man-in-middle attack on client traffic you see as not having to configure the client.

FWIW: there is also WPAD zero-conf configuration (aka "transparent proxy") which matches the client-end criteria while avoiding all of the man-in-midle problems.

Both r working for transparent proxy and.....

As per my understanding , when we use intercept option with http_port
then we do not need to configure client browser for proxy settings and
squid ip will go to origin server behalf of client's request.

And when we use tproxy option with http_port we do not need to
configure client browser for proxy settings but client ip will
forwarded to origin server as requestor..

You are correct. The outgoing IP to the server is the noticeable difference. As is the fact that TPROXY will work with IPv6 in newer kernels where NAT will not.

please correct me if i m wrong...

Because in my network we face issue with rapidshare , when my clients
getting some downloading they get  message that already downloading is
started from this ip and clients face issues wiith rapidshare..

so please guide me for the same...

Rapidshare does not handle shared HTTP proxies properly. TPROXY has a better chance of working than anything else.

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