On 21.12.10 10:49, donovan jeffrey j wrote:
> i discovered the culprit to my woes as my internet connections slowly
> died. It was my 2 cache drives. As they would fill, and swap, and fill,
> and swap.. well you get the picture.

This is common scenario for squid usage and there is no problem with it.

Disks fill up as the content is fetched up and squid performs cleaning so
the usage won't cross some sane percentage. Some people set max usage to 50%
of disk capacity - the filesystem has some overhead and the performance
decreases much whan usages crosses 90%. People should also have disks
dedicated to squid cache and prefer fast over huge disks.

> Both drives just burned up and won't
> mount.

HW failure? After what time of usage? Didn't you have workstation (or
notebook) disks designed to be used 8/5 instead of 24/7?

> So im running a cache_less system, which we are finding is really quick.

What's the purpose of that cache-less system?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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