On Jan 26, 2011, at 9:27 PM, Scott Lehman wrote:

> My searches haven't turned up much so far (dynamic delay pool patch looked 
> different), and my only idea is to restart Squid with a different config and 
> hope clients can resume where they left off.
> Any pointers appreciated, even if it's not an all-Squid solution.

I'm struggling with a similar planning issue here... my best thought so far is 
to try and get Squid to mark connections with TOS and then rely on other 
software to shape the connections (iptables or my openbsd firewall).  Those 
support time-based rules (or, for PF, an easy way to reset state info), so the 
time-based shaping could be a little granular.

Haven't quite gotten around to trying any of this, but that's what I was 
thinking about.  I'm happy to hear what others have tried...


Jason Healy    |    jhe...@logn.net    |   http://www.logn.net/

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