On 01/02/2011 07:36, Amos Jeffries wrote:

The whole of section 6.1 is a major security vulnerability "don't do it!" situation. Read CVE-2009-0801 for an explanation of what malware can do to trivially spread themselves across your whole client base.

The currently available Squid do permit it with loud failure warnings in cache.log. We are planning on fully disabling the security hole in the near future.

Section 6.1 was written 6-8 years ago... I can't say that I fully understand CVE2009-0801... Can you elaborate on the security vulnerability and how it applies to 6.1??

Best Regards,

Giles Coochey
NetSecSpec Ltd
NL T-Systems Mobile: +31 681 265 086
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Email/MSN/Live Messenger: gi...@coochey.net
Skype: gilescoochey

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