On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 11:15:31 -0500, "Martin \(Jake\) Jacobson" wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to configure a proxy box that will proxy a site that requires a
> PKI cert.  The site requires a chained cert and fails if the cert
> presented is unchained.  We have a bot that is only presenting its
> cert and not the complete chain so it fails the connection.

Sounds like you need to figure out why a non-chained cert was loaded into
the bot in the first place.

> I am wondering if we could have squid make the request for the
> resource and instead of using the bot's cert, the squid client would
> use the chained cert that I have loaded with squid?
> Jake Jacobson

To use Squid certs you will need the bot to communicate over unsecured
HTTP with Squid.
Then you just configure a cache_peer line in Squid presenting the relevant
cert to the website.


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