Thank you.

When we use tcp_outgoing address and select isp . The all traffic seems to be going through the default gateway Ethernet of the squid machine and only reply comes through the tcp out going address assigned Ethernet.

Eg  isp1- eth1(default gateway) isp2-eth2, client- eth0
In squid.conf
acl isp1 src172.16.1.48
acl isp2 src .
tcp_outgoing address  < ip of isp1 >  isp1
tcp_outgoing address  < ip of isp2 >  isp2

When we browse from client and tcpdump eth1 we can see connections are established through eth1 which is supposed to be through eth2. But we can see reply comes through the eth2 and also shows ip of isp2. This shows that default gateway isp1 is used for making all requests so that it is overloaded and the isp2 is used only for receiving requests.


Hasanen AL-Bana wrote:
If you have different IP ranges on the same machine , then you need to
add 3 gateways using linux ip route , then you can make use of
I have it documented here :

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Senthilkumar
<> wrote:
Amos Jeffries wrote:
On Wed, 23 Feb 2011 10:41:20 +0530, Senthilkumar wrote:
Hello All,

We have a gateway machine which has three upstream isp and to make
clients use the particular isp we use advance routing based on the
source address.  When we run squid  on the same machine to log
websites all traffic passes through the single isp i.e. the isp which
is set as default gateway. We need all the users to pass through squid
and use different isp's as per source route.
Please share your views to achieve it.


Thank you  very much Amos,

We have clients in 10.X.X and 172.16.1.X and 172.16.2.X series, we need each 
client series would use single isp for upload and download.
whether the following configuration achieve it?

acl isp1 src 10.X.X
acl isp2 src 172.16.1.X
acl isp3 src 172,16.2.X

acl download method GET HEAD
acl upload method POST PUT

tcp_outgoing_address <isp1 ip> isp1 download upload
tcp_outgoing_address <isp2 ip> isp1 download upload
tcp_outgoing_address <isp3 ip> isp1 download upload

whether by setting tcp_outgoing_address whether upload and download takes place 
through the source based routed isp or the default gateway isp?


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