Hi All,

 I have implemented the AD authentication with squid3. I would like to
add another level of authentication which should be local to unix box
something like ncsa. When AD authentication fails then it should
switch to other authentication and even if it fails then deny the

In squid, when I define

auth_param basic program /usr/lib/ncsa_auth /etc/squid3/passwd
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid_ldap_auth ...

the bottom line is configured by initiating the helper programs and
the top line is ignored. If I interchange the above lines then again
the bottom program is initiated and top one is ignored.

Can someone guide me how to create the dual level authen.

I read the multiple services authentication FAQ on
but couldn't understand fully. I understood myacl.pl is used for
authentication but how I do define username and password for users
using this method?


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