thanks for the reply. Ok so now I've modified the script with your
suggestion and I get this in my access.log

I'm pretty sure this is not working for the clients. I'm looking for it
to return something like this:

I've changed the script many time so that I can get what I want but I
had no success. can you please help me?

On Sun, 2011-03-13 at 21:27 -0300, Marcus Kool wrote:
> Osmany,
> look in access.log.
> It should say what is happening:
> I expect this:
> ...  TCP_MISS/301   GET http://kaspersky....
> ...  TCP_MISS/200   GET
> and does the client use Squid for the ftp protocol ??
> And the RE matches too many strings.
> I recommend to rewrite it to something like this:
>     if ($url =~ /^http:\/\/dnl.*\.kaspersky\.com\/(.*)/) {
>        my $newurl;
>        $newurl = "ftp:\/\/dnl-kaspersky\.quimefa\.cu\:2122\/Updates/$1";  # 
> Note the $1
>        print $X[0]." 301:$newurl\n";
>     }
> Marcus
> Osmany wrote:
> > So finally this is what I have and it works perfectly. But I want to go
> > further than this. I want the clients to download what they've requested
> > from my local urls. For example...if a client wants to update their
> > Kaspersky antivirus and it requests for an internet update server, I
> > want it to actually get redirected to my ftp and download what it wants
> > from here. So far what I've accomplished is that any request gets
> > redirected to the specified url but it doesn't follow the path of the
> > file that the client requested.
> > 
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > BEGIN {$|=1}
> > while (<>) {
> >      @X = split;
> >      $url = $X[1];
> >    if ($url =~ /^http:\/\/(.*)kaspersky(.*)/) {
> >     print $X[0]." 301:ftp:\/\/dnl-kaspersky\.quimefa\.cu\:2122\/Updates
> > \n";
> >    }
> >    elsif ($url =~ /^http:\/\/(.*)update(.*)/) {
> >     print $X[0]." 301:http:\/\/windowsupdate\.quimefa\.cu\:8530\n";
> >    }
> >    else {
> >     print $X[0]."\n";
> >    }
> > }
> > 
> > Can anybody help me with this?
> > 
> > 
> > 

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