Hello list.

I've used squid together with pf for a while on a Freebsd 7.2-RELEASE machine.

I've now installed Freebsd 8.2-RELEASE on new hardware and I'm using my config from the 7.2 machine.

My problem is that squid is not working with transparency. The browser traffic goes directly to the Internet.

Setting proxy in the browser works, so I believe squid is ok.

My question is about which build options I must use?

I've used the following:
SQUID_KERB_AUTH                 X       (ON)
SQUID_NIS_AUTH                  X       (ON)
SQUID_IPV6      (Default)       X       (ON)

SQUID_DELAY_POOLS               X       (ON)
SQUID_SNMP                      X       (ON)
SQUID_HTCP (CARP?)              X       (ON)
SQUID_WCCP                      X       (ON)
SQUID_IDENT                             (OFF)
SQUID_IPFW                      X       (ON)
SQUID_PF                        X       (ON)
SQUID_AUFS (Default)            X       (ON)
SQUID_KQUEUE                    X       (ON)

Then I found this

Where he suggests that even
SQUID_IPFILTER                  X       (ON)

Should be activated.

I recompiled Squid3.1 with the above and now I get an error which I can understand because I do not have IPFilter installed/active.


2011/03/29 11:14:43| IpIntercept.cc(250) IpfInterception: NAT open failed: (2) No such file or directory 2011/03/29 11:14:43| IpIntercept.cc(250) IpfInterception: NAT open failed: (2) No such file or directory 2011/03/29 11:14:43| IpIntercept.cc(250) IpfInterception: NAT open failed: (2) No such file or directory 2011/03/29 11:14:43| IpIntercept.cc(250) IpfInterception: NAT open failed: (2) No such file or directory 2011/03/29 11:14:43| IpIntercept.cc(250) IpfInterception: NAT open failed: (2) No such file or directory 2011/03/29 11:14:43| IpIntercept.cc(250) IpfInterception: NAT open failed: (2) No such file or directory 2011/03/29 11:14:43| IpIntercept.cc(250) IpfInterception: NAT open failed: (2) No such file or directory 2011/03/29 11:14:43| IpIntercept.cc(250) IpfInterception: NAT open failed: (2) No such file or directory 2011/03/29 11:14:44| IpIntercept.cc(250) IpfInterception: NAT open failed: (2) No such file or directory

So when only pf is used, must I compile squid with IPFILTER and IPFW ?



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