On 26/04/11 11:02, Yucong Sun (叶雨飞) wrote:
Well, thanks for the pointer, But as far as I can see there, it's a
installer, how did you generate the binary?

what I really hoping for, is to compile and run 3.1 normally on windows.
Well, 2.7 may cut it as well since I need mostly existing features,
but I can't get it compile correctly either. And current 2.7 windows
version requires to compile under vc6,  is just impossible these days.

I'm surprised no one has been taking on squid on windows seriously (or
I didn't find it), but by far, most proxy software I tried on windows
have different problem, while squid is the best atm I think.

There is work underway (slowly) on getting Squid up to at least build again on Windows.

The more active upstream dev (myself and Francesco Chemolli) only have access to MinGW test machine and are blocked by a few bugs which we need to be diagnosed and patch created by someone with direct access to a MinGW setup (http://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3203 and http://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3043).

Guido Serassio has better access but no time to work on it (sponsorship to recompense for his taking time off work will help a lot there, contact him about it).

AFAIK none of us have access to recent VC versions (Guido mentioned something about the new IDE versions causing major pains in the build process).

Patches on 3.HEAD code to get Windows going are *very* welcome.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.12
  Beta testers wanted for and

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