Hi, I'm configuring my Squid server to pass the geolocation test of Hulu.com at http://releasegeo.hulu.com/geoCheck
When my Squid is in Forward or Transparent mode, my Squid was able to pass the Geocheck and returned: "valid." However, when I tried to run the check through Reverse mode, my Squid couldn't pass the check. I'm sure my Reverse Squid is working because I was able to fool www.whatismyip.com check. I'm also sure my IP is working because it wouldn't pass Hulu's check through Transparent and Forward mode if it's not. I have also setup the Squid in "Anonmizer Paranoid" mode using 3.1's reference guide. I'm suspecting it's my Squid setup but not sure where to look... My Reverse Squid works on all IP checking site such as whatismyip.com, whatismyipaddress.com, and etc. What could be the problem?