On Tue, 3 May 2011 12:13:14 -0700, Mark Bassett wrote:

Which version of squid actually has this code in it?   I have tried
squid-3.1.12  and squid- (I was not able to get 3.2 to compile

Squid-3.1.12 does not accept these parameters
generate-host-certificates=on dynamic_cert_mem_cache_size=4MB, I get an
error about bungled squid.conf

Ssl-bump is working just fine, but since the name of the cert doesn't
match the domain, we always get cert errors. These can be bypassed in the tools that we use by turning off certificate verification, but I'd
like to get this working with DynamicSSLCert.

Thanks! and Slightly broken in both. Patches are winding their way slowly through QA in trunk as you noticed, when that is done being checked the release branches snapshots will have them.


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