
When using sslbump and encounter a bad server cert, the squid can choose to 
deny or allow such error. Some static ACL can be used to choose the sites that 
the squid would tolerate a bad cert. However, such acl is like a fixed list in 
the configure. Every time the user encounter a new problem site, the squid 
admin has to modify the acl. The squid administrator is also required to 
frequently clean up this list. Is there a way I can let the user at the browser 
to overwrite a certificate error message and temporarily proceed to a site with 
bad cert without involving the squid administrator to modify the acl for 

The following is probably no good for security, but it is no worth than without 
sslbump involved.

I was thinking if it is possible for squid to on-the-fly sign the 
man-in-the-middle cert as flawed as the bad server certificate instead of deny 
is out right. E.g. if the server cert has expired, sign an expired squid cert 
to the browser. At least this will reproduce the same behavior as if the 
sslbump is not turned on. The browser will warn the certificate problem and the 
user can proceed at his own risk. The squid administrator can be kept out of 
the loop in dealing with not so well maintained server certificate.


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