Setup: Gentoo linux OS on squid and privoxy home lan server

I'm not running an html server, just trying to use squid and privoxy
for my own browsing.

I'm attempting to get started with squid and privoxy.  So far using
nearly original config files in both cases.

First I tried just using privoxy without squid and that seemed to work

I set the privoxy listen-address in /etc/privoxy/config like:

(The address of a gmane box on the lan)

I was not able to access gmail thru a firefox gadget but could get
gmail directly alright.  But other than that, No real noticeable
change in browsing speed as against NO proxy at all.

I then  used this website to help setup squid:

And did the things suggested there.

Chaining in this direction: 
  Browser -> Squid -> Privoxy -> Privoxy's IP -> Public Internet

Adding squid into the mix... I Added these two lines to the end of

  cache_peer parent 8118 0 default no-query no-digest 
  never_direct allow all

And uncommented these lines in squid.conf:

  acl localnet src       # RFC1918 possible internal network

  header_access From deny all
  header_access Referer deny all
  header_access Server deny all
  header_access User-Agent deny all
  header_access WWW-Authenticate deny all
  header_access Link deny all

other wise the defaults were left in place

-------        ---------       ---=---       ---------      -------- 

With squid in the mix, things began to crawl... 

Apparently I've jacked up the config enough that browsing is now
painful rather that snappy.

Can anyone spot some kind of nastiness I've introduced?

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