On 09/06/11 23:24, Tom Tux wrote:

I need to verify, if I get a mail when squid dies (I put a correct
mailaddress in cache_mgr-directive). Is there a way/hack to force
squid to die? I tried several things like revoking permissions on the
the cache-dir, moving cache.log away... ->  but squid is still alive.

The email dress is used on the error pages, to display an *optional* "send an email to the admin" URL.

Doing the abort emails automatically requires squid to hit an assertion failure, which triggers abort(). It slows down the recovery period. So external tools are preferred which watch the log stream for "assertion failure:" (I think that is the text in all squids).

If you can find a way to reliably hit one of the assertions remotely, that is a DoS vulnerability and *we want to know* ASAP.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.12
  Beta testers wanted for and

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