Well, I still would like to know the URL because I like to observe
which set of URLs this eventually triggers.
I block with a URL filter some tracker URLs: URLs which are
unnecessary for showing video content but show the content provider
what you are doing.  Sometimes these trackers cause hickups.

I also have occasional Youtube problems but think that in
my case the international bandwidth between Brazil and the USA
is too small.  Other times, I do a refresh on the video
and the video is played from a different youtube server
and is fast.  This makes me believe that some videoservers
may sometimes be overloaded.


Bobby wrote:
I've noticed this with different media streams as well. From youtube to google; the video often will start normally and then just hang like Karl explained, seems to be buffering but never recovers. I would also be interested to know if anyone has encountered and found a solution to this issue.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus Kool [mailto:marcus.k...@urlfilterdb.com] Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 6:28 AM
To: Karl Pielorz
Cc: squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Streaming video content (e.g. BBC news to flash 
based player) - always stops?

I live in Brazil and sometimes watch BBC videos using Squid without issues.

Can you give a link to an example URL which causes problems ?


Karl Pielorz wrote:

We've tried running a number of Squid versions (from 2.7.9 through to but they all seem to suffer when streaming video content - most notably from the BBC site in the UK.

Unfortunately, afaik this content isn't available outside the UK (but the US site might have content streamed in a similar manner).

Videos will start, but they stop after a random amount of time (and the 'player' on the client displays the 'rebuffering circle' - but never starts again).

Is anyone here using Squid - and able to successfully play content from say news.bbc.co.uk?

Anyone got any pointers what it could be?

Accesses in the logs show as a stream of:

1310125310.161 561 TCP_MISS/200 272 POST - HIER_DIRECT/ application/x-fcs 1310125311.256 565 TCP_MISS/200 272 POST - HIER_DIRECT/ application/x-fcs

These seem to continue, even when the player has 'stopped'.

Any pointers?



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