On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 11:35:35 -0400, January Sharp wrote:
Scenario: cache_dir's are on different types of media and on different
configurations of hard disks. Also, memory is abundant, so RAM could
also be mounted as a disk. So the cache_dir's have different
capacities, read speeds and write speeds.

Is there a way to configure squid to choose more intelligently which
cache directory to cache the content depending on the content?


Please define "more intelligently".

The order of cache_dir in squid.conf, their available free space, configurable min/max object size limits, and 'load' (aka current I/O speed where available) are all considered when selecting a dir. The big limitation is that some dir types (ie UFS and diskd) are not able to feed certain details like I/O waiting times into the load balancing.


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